Sunday, January 7, 2024

Renewal Series - Psalm 51:10

No one on planet Earth is perfect. All of mankind has missed the mark of perfection. Whether in thought, attitude or action, we continue to miss that bullseye on the target of perfection. Nearly three thousand years ago, Kind David not only missed the mark, he aimed his bow in the opposite direction (Read 2 Samuel 11). After the prophet Nathan rebuked the king, David turned around, in his heart -- which is the definition of repentance (Read 2 Samuel 12). David wrote a psalm which reflected his repentant heart. In that psalm, he wrote of renewal.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." - Psalm 51:10

And God restored the heart of David. Of course, David's actions of missing the mark had repercussions for generations. David was still not perfect. But God renewed his soul. God can do the same for any person no matter how far off a person has missed the mark. He is the healer and the Wonderful Counselor

(Click here to read more.)